Natalie Ragins

Keyboardist/organist for Tyler Perry's movies/tours/stage plays/DVDs:
"Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned" DVD/Tour,Organ & Keyboard (2014)
“Madea’s Big Happy Family” Stage Play/Movie/DVD, Organ & Keyboards, (2010 & 2011)
“Laugh To Keep From Crying” DVD, Organ & Keyboards (2011)
"The Have & The Have Nots", DVD, Organ & Keyboard (2011-2012)
“A Madea’s Christmas”, DVD, Organ & Keyboard (2011), Movie (2013)
“Aunt Bam’s Place”, DVD/Tour, Organ & Keyboard (2012)
“I Don’t Want To Do Wrong” DVD, Organ & Keyboard (2012)
“Madea Gets A Job” DVD/Tour, Organ & Keyboard (2013)
“Madea’s Neighbors From Hell” DVD, Keyboard & Keyboard (2014)
“Madea on The Run” Stage Play/DVD/Tour, Organ & Keyboards, (2016 & 2017)
"Madea Farewell Tour Play" Stage Play/Tour, Organ & Keyboards, (2019)
"Madea Farewell Tour Play" Stage Play/Tour, Organ & Keyboards, (2020)
Movie & TV Credits
McDonald's 365 Black Awards, BET Network, (2016), Keyboards & Organ
“Joyful Noise (2012)”, Actress & Organist
Patrice Lovely "I Surrender All" (2016)
Home & Living Show (Hallmark Channel) Arranger/Music Producer
“The Haves and the Have Nots” (TV Series-2014-Episode 20)
"The Hate You Give" (2018), Musician.Organ
Album/Artist Credits
Ted Winn "Balance (2014)”
John P. Kee "Life & Favor (2012)”
Lucinda Moore "Blessed, Broken & Given (2010)"
Arranger, Bandleader, Keyboards, Piano
Donnie McClurkin "We All Are One Live in Detroit (2009)"
Keyboards, Synthesizer
L'Tanya Moore "Radiant (2007)”
Songwriter: Lord I Long For Your Presence
David Walker & High Praise "So Long (2004)"
Songwriter: Mold Me
Casey J, "The Truth (2015)"
Piano, Keyboards
Natalie Ragins "Worship & Praise (2016)”
Donnie McClurkin "The Journey Live"(2016)
CARAMIA "Heaven" (2016)
Avery Sunshine/Twenty Sixty Four "Prayer Room (2017)"
Greg Kirkland "Give (2019)"
Donnie McClurkin "A Different Song" (2019)
Natalie Ragins "Walk With Me (2019)”
Natalie Ragins "Mighty Fortress (2020)”
Natalie Ragins "I'll Stand (2022)”

Ragins formerly traveled as the Musical Director for Tyler Perry’s touring play, “Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned”.
she was also the Keyboardist and Organist for Tyler Perry's touring play "Madea On The Run"

Video Library
Donnie McClurkin in Novara, Italy
Gospel Festival
Natalie on Synthesizer
JoJo Martin & Natalie Ragins
"This Christmas"
GTRBC - House of Hope Atlanta
"Walk In The Light"
Natalie Ragins on Organ with House of Hope Atlanta